HyImpulse’s Wax-Powered Rocket Signals Germany’s Space Ambitions

German company HyImpulse successfully launched "SR75" environmental friendly and economical rocket into space. Photo courtesy :HyImpulse


In a world where space exploration has long been dominated by traditional rocket fuels, a small German company dared to defy convention. HyImpulse, led by visionary CEO Mario Kobald, embarked on a mission to revolutionize the industry with an innovative approach – candle wax-powered rockets.

The journey began on a crisp morning in Koonibba, South Australia, where the HyImpulse team gathered anxiously around their 12-meter, 2.5-tonne test rocket, affectionately named “SR75”. With the sun just peeking over the horizon, anticipation hung thick in the air as the countdown commenced.

As the clock struck 0500 GMT, a collective breath held as SR75 roared to life, propelled by the unconventional combination of paraffin, candle wax, and liquid oxygen. With a thunderous roar, the rocket soared skyward, defying gravity’s grasp and marking a historic moment for German aerospace.

For HyImpulse, the successful test flight was more than just a technological achievement – it was a symbol of Germany’s emergence as a formidable player in the space race. Mario Kobald expressed pride in his nation’s prowess, proclaiming the launch as a testament to Germany’s capabilities as a spacefaring nation and a gateway to expanding Europe’s access to space.

But beyond national pride, HyImpulse’s breakthrough promised tangible benefits for the industry. The use of paraffin as a rocket fuel offered a cheaper and safer alternative, with potential cost savings of up to 50% for satellite transportation. This innovation opened doors for smaller companies and nations to enter the space market, democratizing access to the final frontier.

With orders for satellite transportation already pouring in, HyImpulse’s future looked brighter than ever. The company, born out of Germany’s esteemed space agency DLR, boasted a team of 65 dedicated employees and ambitious plans for growth. Backed by a mix of private investment and public support, HyImpulse aimed to capitalize on the burgeoning demand for commercial satellites, eyeing a staggering 700 million euros in annual sales by 2032.

But the journey was far from over. With their sights set on the stars, HyImpulse set their sights on the next milestone – the launch of “SL-1”, a larger, multi-stage rocket capable of deploying even heavier payloads into low Earth orbits. With determination and ingenuity as their fuel, the team forged ahead, confident in their ability to push the boundaries of possibility and write a new chapter in the annals of space exploration.

As the world looked on in awe, HyImpulse’s wax-powered odyssey reminded us all that sometimes, the boldest adventures begin with a simple spark of imagination. And with each fiery ascent into the cosmos, they dared us to dream a little bigger, reach a little higher, and embrace the limitless potential of the universe that beckons beyond our grasp.