Chief Justice Koome’s Directive to Address Case Backlog and Enhance Judicial Efficiency

CJ Martha Koome makes an address when she admitted 224 lawyers to the Roll of Advocates at the Supreme Court on September 12, 2023. PHOTO | COURTESY | JUDICIARY


Chief Justice Martha Koome has issued a directive to Magistrates’ Courts nationwide to undertake Rapid Results Initiatives aimed at resolving cases pending for over three years. Speaking virtually at the 11th Annual Heads of Station Forum, CJ Koome emphasized the importance of active case and docket management strategies to reduce case backlog and ensure timely delivery of justice.

Highlighting the significance of digital-ready courts and the use of ICT in streamlining processes, CJ Koome stressed the need for reliable justice data to inform policymaking. She commended the capabilities and functionality enhancements of the Case Tracking System (CTS) to improve case tracking and management, including mandatory uploading of judgments and rulings.

Under the theme “Enhancing Organisational Growth and Sustainability through Shared Leadership,” this year’s forum, held in Kisii County, focuses on strengthening court systems. CJ Koome praised the performance of Magistrates’ Courts in resolving cases and emphasized the importance of specialized courts in addressing unique justice issues.

Additionally, CJ Koome called for intensified efforts to reduce prison overcrowding, with a focus on prison decongestion initiatives such as Community Service Orders (CSO) Case Committees. The forum also discussed greater involvement of Judicial Officers and staff in budgeting processes, infrastructure improvement, and mentorship programs.

Kisii Governor Simba Arati, attending the session, highlighted the county’s child protection policy and pledged support for the Judiciary in expanding access to justice. He announced the allocation of land and premises for the construction of courts in three sub-counties and expressed commitment to collaborating with the Judiciary in implementing Alternative Justice Systems (AJS) to enhance grassroots access to justice.