PSG Withholds Kylian Mbappe’s Wages Amid Financial Dispute

France's forward Kylian Mbappe arrives to the national team's training camp for the upcoming UEFA Euro 2024 European Football Championship, in Clairefontaine-en-Yvelines on May 29, 2024.


Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) have withheld Kylian Mbappe’s wages for April and a substantial bonus, totaling around 80 million euros, amid a financial dispute, sources close to the negotiations told AFP on Wednesday. This decision is linked to an agreement from last year when Mbappe agreed to waive part of his bonus at the start of the season.

Despite the withheld payments, discussions between PSG and the French captain are described as “relaxed,” with optimism for a “positive conclusion,” according to a source. The exact amount owed to Mbappe has not been confirmed, but sports daily L’Equipe reported it to be about 80 million euros.

Another source indicated that PSG decided to withhold the payments without prior warning or an agreement with Mbappe. Neither Mbappe’s representatives nor PSG immediately responded to AFP’s request for comments.

Mbappe’s contract with PSG expires on June 30, and he has announced his intention to leave the club after seven years, with Real Madrid expected to be his next destination. Earlier this year, both parties acknowledged that Mbappe had agreed to waive part of his significant bonus to be reinstated in the PSG squad after being excluded at the season’s start. The waived bonuses are believed to be between 60 and 70 million euros.

This gesture was intended to help PSG recoup some funds, as they will not receive a transfer fee for the 25-year-old star. However, another source claimed that Mbappe did receive the bonus in February.

Mbappe signed his latest contract with PSG in 2022, a two-year deal valued at approximately 72 million euros before tax, with a signing-on fee of 150 million euros paid in three installments. He was also entitled to a loyalty bonus of 70 million euros for the first year and 80 million euros for the second year. Additionally, he would have received another 90 million euros if he had opted to stay for a third year, according to Le Parisien.