EACC Launches Inquiry into Ksh.1.2 Billion Loss in Garissa County


The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has initiated an investigation into the disappearance of Ksh.1.2 billion from Garissa County. The probe targets eight senior officials accused of embezzling public funds.

Raids were conducted on the offices and residences of the implicated officials, resulting in the seizure of documents critical to the investigation. So far, three officials have recorded statements with the commission.

This inquiry follows a court order granting the EACC permission to investigate the eight Garissa County officials, their proxies, and associated companies for engaging in questionable business dealings with the county government.

Additionally, the EACC has expressed concerns over the Senate’s alteration of the Conflict of Interest Bill, claiming that the political class removed essential clauses from the Constitution that are vital in the fight against corruption, thereby undermining the commission’s ability to enforce the Act.

“Governors and Chief Officers have been criticized for illegal trade and violating procurement laws by awarding tenders to their relatives and political allies. Ten former and current Governors are currently under EACC scrutiny,” stated the commission’s spokesperson, Eric Ngumbi.
