Residents Plead for Help to Retrieve Drowned Man from Swollen River Thiba in Kirinyaga County


Residents of Kithogondo village in Mwea, Kirinyaga County, are appealing for assistance to retrieve the body of a man who was swept away while swimming in the swollen River Thiba on Wednesday afternoon.

Elisha Wairimu, a local resident, recounted the harrowing incident, explaining that the man dived into the river but was quickly overtaken by the powerful currents. “I watched him helplessly as he was drowning. Even those who were fishing nearby could do nothing as he was swept downstream,” Wairimu said.

Another resident, Eric Bundi, expressed the community’s frustration and helplessness in trying to locate the man. Despite their efforts, they were unable to swim in the water due to the strong currents and the river’s depth. “Police from Wang’uru police station were here, but they could not do much; we are going home now as it is about 7 pm and we will be here tomorrow. The strong water tides and the river’s depth could not allow us as villagers to enter into the river unless we get help,” Bundi explained on Wednesday night.

The villagers are now calling for help from authorities or specialized rescue teams to recover the body and bring closure to the tragic event.